May 22nd Humor

How many men does it take to change a roll of toilet paper? No one knows… it’s never been done.

Two men are waiting in a food queue and one of them finally snaps. “That’s it,” he announces, “I’m sick of lines, and I’m off to shoot Nicolás Maduro.” With that, he storms off, only to return an hour later, and jostle back into his former spot. “Well, did you do it?” asks his companion. “I couldn’t,” the man says. “The line to kill Maduro was even longer than this one.”

A customer at a home improvement store placed an electric drill and the counter along with $100 bill. While the clerk was ringing up the sale the man pulled out a gun and demanded all the cash in the register. The clerk quickly obliged giving the man the entire contents of the drawer and $95. He took the money and fled the store. Sounds like a successful robbery right? Well it would’ve been except the man had left his original hundred dollar bill and the drill on the counter. Do you think the clerk should be allowed to keep the five dollars as a tip?