You know you live in California when:
1. You make over $250,000 and you still can’t afford to buy a house.
2. The high school quarterback calls a timeout to answer his cell phone.
3. The fastest part of your commute is going down your driveway.
4. You know how to eat an artichoke. And
5. You drive to your neighborhood block party.
In November, people in California will vote on whether they want to break the state up in to three smaller states. The states would be Northern California, Southern California, and Kardashistan.
Eating at a sidewalk café in California our waitress looked like a real surfer girl. Long blond hair, a great tan and athletic build. The girl waiting as my wife mulled over the menu then asked the waitress, “Is the roast beef rare?” The girl replied, “Well no! We have it, like every day.”
What happens when the fog lifts in California? UCLA