Surprise, Surprise!
Surprise, Surprise!
The other day, a 22 year old “man” came through the TSA line at the Baltimore-Washington airport with a carry-on bag. He became a celebrity when the x-ray showed he had a collapsible 40 caliber rifle in the bag. His excuse for bringing the gun: “His mother had packed his bag.” This leaves us to ask about his maturity or question how badly Mom wanted to get rid of him.
When I stopped the bus to pick up Chris for preschool, I noticed an older woman hugging him as he left the house. “Is that your grandmother?” I asked. “Yes,” Chris said. “She’s come to visit us for Christmas.” “How nice,” I said. “Where does she live?” “At the airport,” Chris replied. “Whenever we want her, we just go out there and get her.”
A youngster working at a gift shop at the airport encountered many of the regular flight crews. One day she asked a senior captain, “how long have you been flying?” His response was “Let me put it this way. When I started, flying was dangerous and sex was safe.”
“Hillary Clinton said on CBS that she would not submit to a TSA pat-down, to which Bill Clinton said, ‘Tell me about it.'”
4:45 AM, Logan Airport. The Dunkin Donut stand line is longer than the TSA line. Good morning, New England.