National West Virginia Day

National West Virginia Day

The renewal of the City Nitro’s long-standing $1.8 million municipal levy for city services and wages over the next five years was decided by 105 voters in the city of 7,000. As in many past Nitro Municipal Levy elections, no property tax rate increase was involved. The levy comes up for renewal by voters every five years. “I think the vote reflects that the people here are relatively satisfied with the way the city operates as well as familiar with the levy,” said City Clerk Rita Cox. How many cities, anywhere, can pass a levy with no fighting?


Q: Did you hear that the governor’s mansion in West Virginia burned down?
A: Almost took out the whole trailer park.

Q: What separates a good team from a great team?
A: The West Virginia-Ohio border.

Q: Why do the West Virginia Mountaineers eat cereal straight from the box?
A: They choke whenever they get near a bowl.

What Happens When Southern People Can’t Talk Anymore?
They go through withoutdrawl.