Thieves steal Russian Bridge

Thieves steal Russian Bridge

Authorities in Russia are investigating after a former railway bridge was broken apart by thieves who then allegedly stole sections for scrap money. The bridge is located near Oktyabrskaya in Murmansk, which is near Finland, the BBC reported. The stolen central structure of the bridge weighed about 56 tons and spanned more than 75 feet long. Police estimate the bridge netted thieves $9,000. Locals noticed the bridge disappearing earlier this year. The structure wasn’t in use because areas of the city have been abandoned.


An American dog, a Venezuelan dog and a Russian dog sit together. The American dog says, “In my country if you bark long enough, you will be heard and given some meat”. The Venezuelan dog replies, “What is meat?” and the Russian
dog asks, “What is ‘bark’?

A guard asks a political prisoner, “How long is your term?”
“Ten years.”
“What for?”
“You lie! For nothing they give only five years!”

Q: How can you ensure that your Russian refrigerator is always full of food?
A: Plug it into Radio Moscow.

What do you get when you cross a bridge with a bicycle? You get to the other side.