Feathered Bouncer Wanted
The owners of the Yaraka Hotel have a problem. Yaraka, Queensland was very taken with about 9 Emu eggs that had been laid by local birds. 7 of the Emus not only hatched and survived, but left town and scattered into the outback. Two of the birds though, so enjoyed all the attention that they have never left. In fact, they particularly hang around the Hotel looking for food and fun. The 6 foot 6 inch birds are a nuisance. They steal food right of the hotel restaurant’s plates and even grab toast from the toaster through the window. The birds have no fear of walking right into the hotel, the bar and the dining room whenever they can to eat. They also defecate freely while in the building. In order to stop this behavior, the hotel had installed a rope gate with a clip that stops the birds from coming in with or right behind customers. They have also had to install a large sign to remind every person to lock the rope behind them.
Outback Humor
Did you hear about the race between the giraffe and the Emu?
It was neck and neck the whole way.
How did the emu feel when his friends disowned him for being too big?
What do you call a ghost in the Outback?
An Apparigine!
I just bought a spirit boomerang from an old aboriginal medicine man in the outback.
That’ll come back to haunt me.
August 4th Birthdays
1989 – Kelly O’hara, 1996 – Bruna Marquisne, 1994 – Megan Reinkes
1993 – Colin Sprouse, 1969 – Daniel Dae Kim, 1971 – Jeff Gordon, 1984 – Nathaniel Buzolic
Morning Motivator
Smiling is infectious. Go out and infect someone today
Be careful what you care for
Emus like people