Blankets of a goopy, camel-colored substance have been accumulating in the water off Turkey’s coast for months. It began in deep waters during the winter then spread to the coastlines this year. Barış Özalp, a marine biologist first noticed it in December, but became alarmed once the snot carpets continued to grow through the spring. Marine mucilage is a goopy discharge of protein, carbohydrates, and fat from microscopic algae called phytoplankton. The sea snot formations can get up to 100 feet deep, according to the Turkish news. The sea snot fills fishing nets and weighs them down — one fisherman told the media that nets have been bursting from the weight of the mucus. There are no quick fixes to the problem, and experts warn that urgent action must be taken to curb untreated sewage, local pollution, and climate change fueling the growth of mucilage. “If we cut the pollution for about 40% — that’s a huge amount — the system can only start recovering after such a reduction,” he said of the problem along Turkey’s shores. “That would take at least 5 to 6 years to take the Sea of Marmara out this coma situation.”
Turkish Sewage is no joke
Why do they bother saying “raw sewage?”
Do some people actually cook that stuff?
If we can’t see air can fish see water?
What do you call a Turkish cab driver?
An Ottoman.
I was living with my then-boyfriend a few years ago. Feeling a little flirtatious, I suggested we could take a shower together, you know, to save water, wink wink. His response? “Why? We don’t pay for the water.”
August 3rd Birthdays
1941 – Martha Stewart, 1979 – Evangeline Lilly, 1981 – Hanna Simone, 1999 – Julia Thomas
1926 – Tony Bennett, 1963 – Isaiah Washington, 1977 – Tom Brady, 1964 – Isaiah Washington
Morning Motivator:
When things go wrong, don’t go with them
Waste has consequences