Uppity Anger

If you are really, really mad at your girlfriend, the first step is to talk to someone to try to get your issues out rather than take impulsive action. 20-year-old Evan Miller of Lewistown, PA had a grudge and he had been nursing it for some time. Authorities theorize Evan wanted to express his frustration in a way that everyone around would remember him. So Sunday afternoon he was driving his 2006 Toyota Corolla through the suburban neighborhood and decided to vent his energy with his car. Reportedly Evan flew around some fields behind a housing development and then decided he would make a grand finale to his drive by speeding as fast as the old corolla would go down the street of his interest. It is not clear if Evan was intentionally trying to make the car jump or if he lost control, but he veered off the road and went through a drainage ditch. Between his speed and the angle of the side of the culvert Evan flew over two parked cars in the driveway and ended punching his Corolla into the second-floor bedroom of the house in Decatur Township, PA. You can see from the picture he really had quite an amazing flight.

The owner of the home was at home Sunday afternoon and got quite a thrill as well, when at 3:15 Sunday afternoon he heard the crash and ran upstairs to see a car in the bedroom. The Junction Fire Company responded to the bizarre scene “within minutes,” and said the crash put the front of the car and the driver’s side through the house wall and into the bedroom. The passenger side of the vehicle came to rest on the roof while the trunk and rear tires hung off the home. It took three hours for fire and tow people to safely get the car down from the first-floor roof.

“The Rescue crews stabilized the house and helped the homeowner put a tarp on the hole due to upcoming storms,” the Junction Fire Company said, noting that police and Parsons Towing assisted in the effort. Evan has been arrested pending a long list of possible charges that could include aggravated assault, recklessly endangerment and criminal mischief. There is no law against stupid.

I will show you angry

There’s no need to be angry at lazy people.
They didn’t do anything.

Video games never made me angry or want to hurt people.
Working in customer service did that.

A drunk stumbles home after midnight, and his wife is angry.
“Where the hell have you been?”
He says, “I’ve been out looking for you!”
“Looking for me? I’ve been here all day!”
“Well, it figures, you’d be in the last place I look!”

What is the one type of person that will never get angry?
A nomad.

September 25th Birthdays

1947 – Cheryl Tiegs,  1969 – Catherine Zeta Jones, 1930 – Barbara Walters, 1962 – Heather Locklear

1951- Mark Hamill,  1965 – Scottie Pippen,  1944 – Michael Douglas, 1968 – Will Smith

Morning Motivator: