Chickens running amok

A chicken has been seen scratching around on the forecourt of a supermarket petrol station for at least a week-and-a half, causing a social media stir in a Welsh town. Regular sightings of the bird have been reported at Morrisons in Aberystwyth, Ceredigion. Ems Hanley – who does wildlife rehabilitations in the town – helped form what she is calling a chicken rescue team. “A witness said she saw a chicken jump from one of the battery lorries, so we have kind of an idea where [it] came from,” she said. It is understood the chicken made a bid for freedom while the lorry she was in had stopped for fuel. “According to the manager of the petrol station she’s been there coming up on three weeks now.” “Unfortunately they are terrified of people,” and are hidden in what she called “thick privet hedges.” Ms. Hanley said her team was waiting to get technical help with a thermal scanner in the hopes of searching the thicket on Thursday night. It comes after the team set up an upturned crate, held up at one end by a stick attached to a trigger string. But the chicken, or chickens, have so far not let themselves get penned in again. “We nearly got her in and then a group of people walked past,” she lamented. Another team member crawled into the hedges and had a chicken in his sights, but just out of reach, she said. “It is the quickest chicken I have seen in my life, no exaggeration.”

An ordinance in place for a decade has recently laid an egg with some Orange City, Iowa residents. Orange City’s Code of Ordinances defines livestock as “bovine, caprine, ovine or porcupine species, ostriches, rheas, emus, farm deer, or poultry.” The term “poultry” was added to the city ordinance in September of 2014 when it was passed unanimously with no public comment. Due to several complaints being received regarding residents raising chickens earlier this year, the City Council reviewed options at its July 1 meeting. There may be more residents who would complain, but they do not want to speak publicly not wanting to cause issues with their neighbors.

From the rooftops of Manhattan to the backyards of Corcoran agents and staff across the country, chickens rule the roost. It’s hard to track down exactly how many backyard chickens there are in the United States, with estimates ranging between 12 million to 85 million chickens living in non-commercial settings. Kim Hutsenpiller was hired by a client to sell her family home in 2017. “When I arrived, I saw the beautiful chicken coop in the backyard, with six chickens inside. The client told us all about her girls and how she was worried about what would happen to them,” says Kim.  The house quickly found a buyer, but the chickens did not. Hutsenpiller elaborates, “I told her that I could take them if she trusted me with them. She was over the moon about it, knowing how much I care for animals. After close of escrow, I hired a handyman to deconstruct the coop and move it to my backyard easement. The funniest part of the story was catching all six of the girls to put them in a cage to transport them to my house. I chased them around the yard for over an hour before I had all six in the cage.” Her chicken adoption earned her a rave from her client, with a testimonial that “Kim even brought me eggs every week until they weren’t laying anymore.” Hutsenpiller took her chicken ownership seriously, adding, “Long story short, I ended up with a chicken coop until early 2024 — all six chickens survived and had great lives.

Backyard Chicken clucks

“Waiter, there’s no chicken in this chicken soup!”
“That’s all right, sir. There are no cottages in our cottage cheese, either.”

I’ve started investing in stocks; beef, chicken and vegetable.
One day I hope to be a bouillonaire.

In an annual list that ranks states based on how healthy they are, the healthiest U.S. state is Hawaii. Mississippi finished 50th out of the 50 states, which isn’t surprising. Healthy eating is not big in Mississippi. Their state bird is the fried chicken.  

Why did the plant-based chicken cross the road?
I don’t know, it’s beyond meat.

October 24th Birthdays

1995 – Krystal Jung , 1990 – Shenae Grimes, 1961 – Mary Bono, 1989 – Eliza Taylor

1998 – Kendall Ryan Sanders, 1926 – Y. A. Tittle, 1969 – Brett Favre, 1947 – Kevin Kline

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