I see you down there

“If I could be fly on the wall…” meaning it would be interesting to spy on people, their conversations and their actions to find what really went on in private at the neighbor’s house. Then we got the smart phones and smart TV’s that can listen to us 24/7. Now the spy equipment of the movies is in our pockets every day.  On a lazy Saturday morning, Josh Logue sent his hobby drone up for a routine flight. An unusually heavy rainfall had turned a dry canal near his Brighton, CO, home into a rushing overflowing stream, and Josh, 18, wanted to check out the torrent from the air. Josh saw what looked like a large shadow over the road. “I zoomed in on it. “Oh, it’s a frickin’ car in a giant hole down there!” At the time Josh’s father, Jake, was chatting with the neighbor Ryan Nuanes in the driveway as Josh yelled about his discovery.  Nuanes, a firefighter with the Denver Fire Department, saw the picture, knew the accident could be serious. So the three of them hopped in the Logue’s pickup truck to check on it themselves.

At the scene, the upside down Jeep’s horn was blaring nonstop, obscuring the voices of a man and a woman inside. Nuanes called 911, then they heard the cries for help. Water had flooded the sinkhole to around halfway up the doors. Two people were inside. They’d been trapped for around 15 minutes. Six more inches of water would have submerged them completely. Logue’s aerial perspective from his drone would have been the only way to spot the trapped vehicle from afar.

The father and son team chained the Jeep to Jake’s pickup truck to pull it onto its side so that first responders could access the doors and free the two passengers.  Officers rescued a 66-year-old man and a 61-year-old woman., The man was seriously injured. Responders quickly took the two passengers to a hospital.  After the rescue, Josh and his father shared a proud moment. Jake recalled how he congratulated his son: “Dude, you just saved people’s lives!” Josh began flying drones as a hobby, has 13 drones and can spy all kinds of activities over a pretty big area. He now and hopes to become a professional drone pilot in the future. After the lifesaving rescue, his résumé is off to a good start. “It’ll be a story that I’ll tell,” Logue said.

Spy in the sky

Did you hear the Germans now have breakfast delivery drones?
They call them the LuftWaffles.

What’s the national bird of Lebanon?
The Israeli drone.

The first porn movie filmed by a drone has been released. The film is expected to be a big surprise to the people who star in it.

Why are drone owners so unpopular?
Because they look down on everyone else.

January 15th Birthdays

1997 – Valentina Zenera, 1997 – Dove Cameron, 1984 – Regina King, 1987 – Kelly Kelly

1969 – Chad Lowe, 1985 – Ben Shapiro, 1979 – Drew Brees, 1929 – Martin Luther King, Jr.

Morning Motivator: