December 22 Humor

*  When he was given a receipt for his traffic fine, A disgruntled defendant asked the clerk of courts “What am I supposed to do with this?”  “Keep it, when you get four of those, you get a bicycle,” The quick witted clerk replied.

@ There was a trial in the San Diego criminal court. Two men were on trial for an armed robbery. The prosecutor asked an eyewitness a series of questions. “Were you at the scene of this robbery?”  “Yes sir.” “Did you see the getaway car leave the scene at a high rate of speed?”  “Yes sir.” “Did you observe the occupants of that car?” “Yes sir, two men.” And boomed the prosecutor with a wide sweeping gesture, “Are those two men present in this court room today?”  As the prosecutor swung about he saw that the two defendants had raised their hands.

@ A man called 911 reporting he had been robbed of more than $2000 in cash. Police were dispatched and they found the man beaten, bruised, and very angry. It took the police only a few minutes to get there because they had been summoned just a few minutes before to respond to a bank robbery in the same area. The attacked man turned out to be the bank robber, who was mugged shortly after the heist.