A penny for your pyramid
A penny for your pyramid
An Arizona man built a pyramid from 1,030,315 pennies. Cory Nielsen said a Guinness official is due to pay him a visit in Phoenix this week to verify that his 44.6-inch pyramid breaks the record previously set in Lithuania, where a pyramid was assembled from just over 1 million pennies. Nielsen said the pyramid took him exactly three years to assemble and weighs 6,360 pounds. He said the world record attempt was inspired when a coworker asked if his previous penny pyramid, made from about 47,000 coins, was a world record.
My husband and I had just finished tucking our five young ones into bed one evening when we heard sobbing coming from three-year-old Billy’s room. Rushing to his side, we found him crying hysterically. He had accidentally swallowed a penny and was sure he was going to die – no amount of talking could change his mind. Desperate to calm him, my husband palmed a penny that he happened to have in his pocket and pretended to pull it from Billy’s ear. Billy was delighted. In a flash, he snatched it from my husband’s hand, swallowed it, and demanded cheerfully, “Do it again, Dad!”
If I had a penny for every Donald Trump joke made right now
I would have a pence.
My wife just stormed into the kitchen, furious at how cheap and what a penny pincher I’ve become. She’s in there now, tearing all the plates in half.
When Canada abolished the penny there was no public protest at all…
…I guess Canada fears change