Christmas tree troubles

It is that time of year again, when we dig through the storage area and drag out the cartons to decorate the house and express our creativity with millions of decorative choices from China. Here are a few foibles that your neighbors have shared from their Christmas preparations: One lady was very happy to have her tree up and decorated until she could not find her kitten. With some calling and looking around she realized her little ball of fur was up in the Christmas tree and did not want to come out. After a tug of war she won and that part of the lights were restrung.

Another celebrant animal challenge. It seems the Tabby was being chased by Fido and as they ran around the house and over the furniture the cat did the very logical thing. He jumped into the Christmas tree, but the dog did the not so logical thing and followed right after. The puppy hung by his collar for a short time while his picture was taken and then being returned to earth.

Usually the family had their tree in the living room as the center of attention. For reasons known best to the decorator, this year she decided the tree would be better in the front hall near the main door to the house. In the middle of the night, hubby went to get a glass of water when in the corner of his eye he “saw a huge shadow looming over me.” Without thinking, he began punching the tree and sent a bunch of ornaments crashing to the floor and woke up the whole family…

Using the latest technology mom and dad hung a special ornament on the tree that included a Wi-Fi video camera. The idea was to have “proof” the Santa was bringing the presents to the children. The action worked and the camera was too good. Santa and the presents showed up well, but the children noticed that the video also showed an unknown man watching the whole show through their picture window.

One real tree enthusiast told her spirit of the season story: They were at a tree nursery where you cut your own tree, and they were having trouble cutting the tree. A man riding around on a tractor got off and carried over a chainsaw to cut it down for her. After he was finished, they asked, “How do we check out?” The guy said, “No clue, Merry Christmas” and drove away. Turns out he didn’t work for the tree farm, just saw her and thought he’d help!…Not every help is that nice. Another tree decorator’s mother tried to make homemade candy canes to hang on the tree, but they melted into a sticky taffy-like substance that dripped all down through the branches and onto the tree skirt.  

A New South Wales coastal town, Port Macquarie, may have had some personnel problems or some pretty untalented workers. Their very large Norfolk Pine Christmas tree was erected on the town square and workers using hydraulic lifts hung ornaments and strings of lights as they were told for the big Tree Lighting celebration. The town turned out and at dusk the mayor made her speech and was ready to hit the switch. Unbeknownst to “her Honor”’ the overnight weather had deflated some of the very large decorations and when the lights came on the crew’s lack of artistry was brilliantly illustrated. They got a smaller artificial tree and better decorators.

One family had moved during the year and when it came time to bring out the Christmas cheer the lady of the house remembered that she had abandoned one box of decorations while leaving the old house. So, they only had the bottom of their artificial tree with twice as many ornaments as the needed. She wanted to abandon the project, but her son said he would decorate it for her. While that tree was stubby it was better than the result that this family had without the assembly instructions.

Whatever your tree looks like, whatever your choice for lights and tinsel, here is our final wish for you an yours:

Christmas tree tickles

The White House decorated for Christmas today:
But the press could not find three wise men.

How can you tell Halloween is just around the corner?
Stores start putting out their Christmas decorations.

I saw this notice posted outside a volunteer fire company in December… “Remember to water your Christmas tree…”
…”or we will come and water it for you.”

Two blondes are looking for a Christmas tree in the forest.
After two hours of searching, one says: let’s just take one without Christmas ornaments.

December 6th Birthdays

1969 – Macy Gray, 1962 – Janine Turner, 1996 – Stefanie Scott, 1986 – Dulce Maria

1993 – Elian Gonzalez, 1977 – Kevin Cash, 1896 – Ira Gershwin, 1956 – Craig Newmark

Morning Motivator: