Dog bites man every day… Dog shoots man?

Dog bites man every day… Dog shoots man?

An unidentified Bavarian German man had his hunting license revoked after his dog shot him in the arm with a rifle while  on their way to hunt deer. The hunter was appealing the ruling made by the municipality of Pfaffenhofen, which initially took his gun permit and refused to renew it after the incident. The shooting happened in Ossling in eastern Germany, while the man  talking with a female passerby. The municipality cited a regulation that forbids hunters from possessing loaded firearms in a vehicle. The court upheld that ruling, noting the hunter had a fundamental obligation to ensure the safety of his party.


Two deer hunters hired a pilot to take them way back into the forest. After the hunt, the pilot returned and saw that they shot six deer. “The plane won’t carry six deer, you’ll have to leave two of them,” said the pilot, trying to be friendly. Unwilling to leave their dead deer, the hunters said “We got six on the plane last year.” The pilot gave in, and just five minutes after takeoff the plane crashed into the forest. Lucky to be alive, one of the hunters said, “Any idea where we are?” The second hunter said, “Yeah, right about where our plane went down last year.”

On the first day of the deer hunting season, a hunter fell out of a deer stand and broke both his legs. “Why couldn’t this happen on my last day of hunting?!” the hunter cried to the doctor. “It did,” the doctor replied.

What is the Native American word for vegetarian? “Poor hunter!”