Drive By lunch
Drive By lunch
An Indian Forest ranger was stopped in front of a line of cars on a two lane, country road. In India animal’s lives are mostly sacred and the police try to stop traffic to give especially wild animals the right of way. Two intrepid fellows on one motorcycle decided they did not have to wait for the cop and passed the line of traffic riding on the center line. As the ranger waited for the Leopard to cross the road, he had his dashcam on and we get to see the Leopard that the Ranger was waiting for, launch himself at the “meals on wheels.” Fortunately, for the passenger the motorcycle was a little faster than the cat. Indian animal lives are sacred, careless motorcyclists are lunch.
Why is India such a peaceful country?
There is no beef there
What do you call a passage way in India?
I thought I had spotted a leopard once
But it turns out they’re born that way.
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