Good Catch
Good Catch
Samuel Kempf said he was riding the Shambhala roller coaster when a passenger riding in a car in front of him dropped his iPhone X. Kempf said the phone went airborne when the ride ran over an 80 mile per hour hill. Kempf’s speedy catch was caught on video by a camera affixed to the ride. When they all got on solid ground he found the owner of the phone and returned it. “The owner couldn’t believe it, he gave me a big hug.” The passenger who dropped the phone bought Kempf a copy of the roller coaster video as a thank you for his gesture.
A husband is late coming home one night and isn’t answering his cell phone.
His wife calls her mother, incredibly upset. “I’m afraid he’s having an affair,” she tells her mother. “Why do you always think the worst?” her mother asks. “Maybe he just got in a car crash or something.”
Next year, the iPhone 12 will have 2 more side cameras so you can see who’s approaching you, so you never have to look away from your screen.
You might be a cell phone addict if:
You pace in front of the charger until the phone is finished juicing up.
Your partner has had to text you to get your attention. At the dinner table.
You’ve answered it at the gym, during a job interview, or during sex.
You check your messages. It says “no new messages.” So you check it again.
Your husband tells you he’s had the beard for 2 months.