Hooray for Walmart Shoppers
Hooray for Walmart Shoppers
Marcus Smith thought he was pretty fast and the cop at the Walmart door would be pretty slow. So he took his selections and walked right out the way he came in. The cop was not as fast as Marcus, but he did not give up chasing him either. As they both ran through the parking lot yelling at each other, the folks outside figured out what was happening. So when Marcus cut down another aisle of cars a shopper helped the police. He just put his shopping cart in front of distracted Marcus. The perp fell over the cart and that was enough time for the police to catch up with him. Other shoppers watching the show helped the man put his stuff back into the cart with a story to take home.
My dad gave me a Walmart gift card for my birthday
Then he said, “Don’t spend it all in one place.”
Why are there no Walmarts in the Middle East?
Because they’re all targets!
Where does Walmart keep the Terminator toys?
Aisle B, back.
Walmart greeter: excuse me sir but you can’t bring food in here
Me: No, excuse YOU sir, these are my emotional support tacos