Jail at the scene of the crime

Jail at the scene of the crime

“Two guys came in and one guy came to the back and pointed a gun at me.” I told them, you can take whatever phone on the wall that you want or anything in the cash register,'” clerk Tommy Torres said. While the men began going through the register, Torres sneaked out a back door. Torres then pulled down a security gate in front of the back door and a security gate in front of the store’s main entrance, trapping the men inside, he said. “I called the police several times saying there was a robbery in progress and that there was a man with a gun inside.” A crowd had gathered in front of the store, and many were watching and laughing at the burglars trapped inside.


A burglar who had been hiding inside a Home Depot store until it closed suddenly appeared and at gunpoint hustled all the employees into an office and locked the door. He then opened the exit door and walked outside to give his partner the all clear sign. Of course he didn’t notice the sign that said all doors lock automatically on the outside of the back door. Try as he might, he could not get back into the store.

Grandpa still had some habits from the old days. He kept large amounts of money safe in his underwear drawer so that burglars would never find it. One day, I found a secret safe product that looked like a can of spray paint with a screw off false bottom. I gave the can to him so he could keep the money secretly in his workshop. Later, I asked my mother if he had used my gift. She replied, “Oh yes, he put the money in the same day.” “I said no burglar would think to look on the shelf in the basement.” Mom came back with: “They won’t have to, he keeps the spray can in his underwear drawer.”

A Burglar got into the house of a Lawyer the other day…
After a terrible struggle, the Lawyer succeeded in robbing him.