January 13 Humor

*  The year before my son turned 18, he constantly pleaded to be allowed to have a tattoo, but I refused to sign permission for one. He argued that he soon would be a man to be able to make adult decisions. Sure enough, after his 18th birthday he came home with a tattoo. Although I was not happy about this, I was curious to see what symbol of masculinity he had chosen. He showed me there on his shoulder was a 2 inch image of Mickey Mouse.

@  One day as I got into the elevator, I was joined by an elderly woman. She seemed friendly and made a few chatty remarks as we started upward. “I’m 91,” she told me.  “I can hardly believe it!” I exclaimed in congratulations. She gave me a withering look and replied, “I’m apartment 91.”

@  An old European monastery is high upon a cliff that looks over the river. The only way in or out is a primitive elevator basket. The tourists sit in the basket and the monks pull it up and down with a big rope. Halfway up a tourist asked the monk, “How often do they replace the rope?” The monk In charge said, “they replace the rope when it breaks.”