July 7 Humor
* The Police Station had been quiet for most of the week . Things were so slow that detectives were playing cards to pass the time. “What a life”, grumbled one of the officers, “no fights, no thefts, no drunks, no murders, nothing.” “Now rest easy Mike,” said the captain, “things will break soon. You got have more faith in human nature.”
* Without realizing it, I walked right into a police stake out at my local Blockbuster store. When a young man walked out the door, a group of officers pounced on him and hustled him into a squad car. Seeing my astonished expression when policeman said. “When they say the movie is due back by noon on Tuesday they mean it.”
@ An American tourist stopped at an Inn in a small French village and ordered a couple of scrambled eggs for lunch. Afterward he noted that with astonishment he then charged five dollars a piece for the eggs and asked, “Are eggs scarce here?” ” No, monsieur”, said the innkeeper. “Eggs are plentiful. But Americans, they are scarce.”