Lonely Super Dogs
Titan, a 4-year-old husky, was in the Colbert County Animal Shelter in Alabama. It seems after the crew left with all the animals in their cells, Titan was ready to roam again and let himself out of his cell. Not only that, he let a couple of other huskies out of their cells as well. The trio went inspecting the facility and trying to find a way to get to the outside. These dogs did not have anyone smuggling them cell phones, weapons or tools. They did set off the alarms. The manager admitted the alarm company had phoned him Monday evening claiming movement was spotted at the shelter. Even with a visit from law enforcement, peering around inside with their flashlights they did not see anything suspicious. “The alarm company called a second time because it was going off again and I said, ‘It’s probably a mouse,’ so I went to bed and little did I know that they were throwing a party.” Tuesday morning when the staff got to the shelter and Titan was sitting in front of the door in the lobby looking at me.” Charles could not figure out how the escape artist pulled off the impressive feat — the doors, he said, are not “easy” to open, and the lobby door opens with a lever. “I imagine the reason the owner surrendered him is because he’s kind of rebellious and rambunctious,” the manager said. “Huskies are very clever and hard to contain.”
Then Charles spotted the carnage the trio had done to the shelter office. The blinds were ripped down, he’d destroyed the computer, paperwork, files, the whole interior was shredded.” Security footage showed the pup parading on the front desk, knocking the desktop computer to the floor.” The estimated damage and cleanup cost was about $2000, but the liberation antics of the pups got so much publicity that they setup a donation site that got $3000 in short order and Titan had many, many offers for a new home. Titan went home the day after his rager was discovered, with a family who already owned an identical husky.
Prodigal Dog
Athena a German Shepherd and Husky mix went missing from Brooke Comer’s Florida family home on Sunday, Dec. 15, prompting a community-wide search to find the dog. Brooke believes Athena escaped from her crate and somehow got outside the house without her collar. For days people across the area were looking for her and sending her support online. One of her neighbors came up with the idea to form a search party for Athena. Another neighbor used his drone to search for her by air. “It restores your faith in humanity, because it’s like, these are people who were complete strangers who didn’t know us, never heard of us,” she said. “They literally rallied around the second or third night she went missing.” Comer handed out flyers and posted on Facebook all in search of Athena, and she got a massive response. “Athena is definitely a famous dog I think around Green Cove, I feel like everybody knows Athena’s name.” Brooke said Athena was captured on home security cameras wondering miles away from her home. Residents reported the sightings online. “We had numerous spottings about every two days, we followed up on them day and night,” she said. “But we were always one step behind her.”
Athena was gone for 9 days. Broke and others throughout her neighborhood looked for Athena for hours Monday night. “We spent about two to three hours searching with the rest of our wonderful community.” “We kinda left a trail of roller hot dogs down the side of our main road into the neighborhood,” Comer said. About 2:30 a.m. Christmas Eve Athena came scratching at the front door. “I got a Ring notification and Athena was jumping at the front door and my Ring alarm was going off and I opened the door and she came in,” Comer said. “She found her own way home.” The reunion woke the rest of the family; they were so happy their fur baby was back home. “She came in crying and whining, I was crying and whining, the kids woke up. They were jumping and it was awesome,” Comer said. “She was happy to be home.” “It’s just really exciting to know that she knows how to find her way home and that she’s safe,” Comer’s son said. “It was a good Christmas present that she came home,” Comer’s daughter added.
Doggone Funnies/spa
I’ve paid for the best guard dog in the world.
I’ve spent the past 3 days trying to get back into my house.
A girl was visiting her blonde friend, who had acquired two new dogs, then asked her what their names were. The blonde responded by saying that one was named Rolex and the other one was named Timex. Her friend said, “Whoever heard of someone naming dogs like that.” Her blonde friend responded, “Hellooooo, They are watchdogs.”
What is brown and black and looks good on a lawyer?
A Doberman.
If dogs could talk, it would take a lot out of the fun of having one.
January 2nd Birthdays
1987 – Shelly Hennig, 1983 – Kate Bosworth, 1971 – Renee Elise Goldsberry, 1976 – Paz Vega
1936 – Roger Miller, 1968 – Cuba Gooding, 1971 – Taye Giggs, 1947 – Jack Hanna