Look Ma no hands
Remember when there was a ghost ship, with no sail, no smoke and no crew? The Yara Birkeland is the first zero-emissions, electric, crewless cargo ship, built by Norwegian company Yara International is not a ghost. The crewless cargo ship can carry 103 containers at speeds up to 13 knots. The fully electric container ship is designed to reduce emissions in the shipping industry. For the autonomous logistics on land the project team continues to look for simpler solutions to loading and unloading. The ship will be monitored from three onshore data control centers when it makes its test voyage between two Norwegian towns. Initially the ship will transport fertilizer 37 miles down a fjord from a production facility to the port of Larvik, Norway. The vessel is expected to reduce up to 40,000 truck journeys in populated urban areas. “Increased automation will make shipping more efficient but will also leave the industry increasingly vulnerable to cyber-criminals…. UK engineering company Rolls-Royce and operator “Finferries” have developed the world’s first fully autonomous ferry. “Falco” can sail without the need for human intervention, as it demonstrated on completing its maiden autonomous voyage between the Finnish towns of Parainen and Nauvo.
Shipping jokes
This announcement came over the speakers throughout the ship, “In about an hour we will be passing Harbour Island on the Port Side of the ship.” And then as an afterthought, “If anyone sees an island on the Starboard Side of the ship, please advise the bridge immediately.”
A shipwrecked mariner has spent several years on a deserted island, completely alone. Then one morning he was thrilled to see a ship offshore and a smaller vessel pulling out towards him. When the boat grounded on the beach, the officer in charge handed the marooned sailor a bundle of newspapers and told him: “The captain said to read through these and let us know if you still want to be rescued.”
Top questions of cruise passengers:

“Will this elevator take me to the front of the ship?”
“How far are we above sea level?”
“If the portrait photos aren’t marked, how do we know which ones are ours?”
“Does the crew sleep on board?”
“What time is the Midnight Buffet?”
August 26th Birthdays
1994 – Keke Palmer, 1971 – Melissa McCarthy, 1989 – Danielle Savre, 1970 – Thalia
1988 – Evan Ross, 1992 – Dylan O’Brien, 1960 – Branford Marsalis, 1989 – James Harden
Morning Motivator:
I will find a way, or I will make one.
Getting our ship together