Menasha A Cardboard Standout
Menasha A Cardboard Standout
After Amy Simonson and Dan Stuglik’s wedding plans were disrupted amid the outbreak, Menasha Packaging Co. in Coloma, Michigan donated more than 100 cardboard cutouts to pose as stand-ins for the family and friends who couldn’t attend the wedding this Saturday because of Michigan’s stay-at-home order. The company made cutouts to resemble guests tall and short, young and old, with long hair, short hair and ponytails. “I wanted to do something (creative) so Amy wouldn’t walk down the aisle to an empty church,” Dan said. “Dan was just looking for a general person shape, but I was able to make a little bit more realistic audience for them,” said Ted Harris Menasha Creative Manager.
Wedding ceremony:
– Do you agree to him as your lawfully wedded husband for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health till death do you part?
– yes, no, yes, no, no, yes, no.
I came to the realization that my 5-year-old was watching too much reality TV when we attended a wedding. As the four bridesmaids walked down the aisle to the altar, he asked, “Is this where the groom picks the one he wants to marry?”
Wife: “It’s our wedding anniversary in a week, darling. How do you think we should celebrate?”
Husband: “With a minute of silence.”
On their wedding night, a groom asks his new bride, “Honey, am I your first?”
She asks, “Why does everyone ask me that?”