Now that’s a Gator

Now that’s a Gator

A wildlife biologist in Georgia encountered a “massive” alligator weighing an estimated 700 pounds and measuring 13 feet and 4 inches. This photo shows the gator with Howze from the state. The dead gator had several old gunshot wounds. The largest alligator ever found in Georgia was a 14-feet-1-inch. Male alligators can grow as long as 16 feet, although anything over 14 feet is considered rare, their biggest enemy is people.


An ignorant but well-meaning tourist was visiting a small native village when he came across a native man proudly displaying twenty alligator teeth slung about his neck in a decorative fashion. “I guess you must prize alligator teeth the way we value pearls,” said the tourist. “More so,” said the native. “Anyone can open up an oyster.” 4916

A man walked into a pub into Ocala Florida with a large alligator on a leash. He walked up to the bar and asked the bartender, “Do you serve IRS agents here?” “Sure do” replied the barkeep. The stranger said, “Good, I will have a Budweiser and the gator’ll have an IRS agent.”

What’s the difference between a crocodile and an alligator?
One you’ll see in a while and the other you’ll see later.

Got infected from an alligator bite, now I have gatoraids.

Customer: “Do you have alligator shoes?” Clerk: “Yes, sir. What size does your alligator wear?”