October 12 Humor

* A sailor had been marooned alone in the deserted island for a year and finally was rescued when rescue party came ashore in a small boat they told the sailor to pack up that they would take you back to civilization. Before leaving the island gave the rescue party a tour. “I built myself a house. That’s it there. Here’s the barn, and over here is the church I worshiped in.” The crew asked, “What’s that building over there?” Louie stammered, “that’s the church I used to belong to.”

@ A visitor asked a native Russian to explain the new government policy of openness or “Perestroika” to him. He said, “Imagine I have two tin pails. One is empty and the other is full of potatoes. I keep pouring the potatoes back and forth from one bucket to the other.” The America asked, “I don’t get it. You keep moving the potatoes around, but nothing has changed.” The wily Russian said, “Ah, but the noise you that it makes, that is Perestroika.”