Oh, What a tangled web we knit…
Oh, What a tangled web we knit…
How do you solve the road rage epidemic? One sheriff thinks he has the solution — knitting. After Amanda McCabe pulled on to a major road from a side road, Clare Smith loudly and publicly accused her of poor driving. McCabe responded by following Smith for several miles before pulling her out of her vehicle and punching her in the face. In court it turned both women were in a hurry to get to the same specialty wool shop. Hearing both women out, the Scotch judge decided the assaulter could pay a large fine or knit a substantial piece of clothing every week and bring it to the court who would give to the homeless.
Winter’s coming so I’m knitting you a muffler. What size is your mouth?
Apparently if your girlfriend or wife says, “If anything happens to me…. I want you to meet someone new.” “Anything” doesn’t include getting stuck in traffic.
What do you call a traffic avoiding droid?
Why was the squirrel late for work? Traffic was NUTS.