Papal Swiss Guard with plastic helmets
Papal Swiss Guard -cool plastic helmets
The Vatican’s Swiss Guard, the colorfully dressed mini-army that helps protect the pope, will have cooler heads now they have swapped their ancient metal helmets for ones made by 3-D printers. One of the main advantages of the new helmets is that they will not heat up like the metal ones, meaning the guards will sweat less. said the old helmets, made in Austria, weighed 4.4 pounds, while the new ones, made in Switzerland, weigh 1.2 pounds.
When I was notified of my long-awaited promotion to Marine Corps major: I quickly purchased a set of gold oak leaves, even though the actual ceremony was months away. ” Look, Logan”, I said to my five-year-old son. “These are what daddy will be wearing in a few months”. As he stared into the box, Logan wore a puzzled expression, he looked up at me and asked, “Earrings?”
Sgt.: “Private.”
Pvt.: “Yes sir”
Sgt.: “You failed to show up for the camouflage class yesterday.”
Pvt.: “How do you know that, sir?”
Officer: “Soldier do you have change for a dollar?”
Soldier: “Sure, buddy.”
Officer: “See this uniform. That’s no way to address an officer. Now, let’s try that again.” “Soldier, can you give me change for a dollar?”
Soldier: “No sir.”
Q: Why should the Michigan Wolverines change their uniforms to Orange?
A: So they can play the game, direct traffic, and pick up trash without changing.