Eek! Get that thing away from me.

Eek! Get that thing away from me.


Aitoliko in western Greece has been enshrouded in spider webs up to 1000 feet long. They cover trees, street signs and the town looks like a mega spider monster movie. This town is at just the right spot, temperature and humidity to host Tetragnatha spiders that spin giant webs at this time of year. “It’s as if the spiders are taking advantage of these conditions and are having a kind of a party. They mate, they reproduce and provide a whole new generation.”



Dear spiders, if I see you outside, I will let you live. But if I see you in my house, I will kill you. You choose.

I was visiting my son the other night when I asked if I could borrow a newspaper. “Dad, this is the 20th century,” he said “I don’t waste money and newspapers but if you like you can borrow my Ipad.” I can tell you this: that spider never knew what hit him.

A Florida man tattooed a spider on his face in an attempt to overcome his arachnophobia, which is a fear of spiders. The tattoo should also help him overcome his fear of employment.

I was going to buy an exotic spider from the pet shop, then I realized I could get one cheaper on the web.