Wanna Llama Drama?

Wanna Llama Drama?

When Riva Eisenberg was 17 she was planning her wedding. Naturally her brother made fun of her and said,” ‘If you make me come to this wedding, I’m going to bring a llama with me. It was just the first thing that popped into my head.” The tease began five years ago, but at her wedding five years later, her brother Mendl Weinstock did indeed arrive with a llama, in the appropriate attire: a tuxedo. Riva said, “I have tried doing literally everything possible to make sure it didn’t happen, and lo and behold, there was a llama at my wedding.” Riva’s friends brought inflatable toy llamas to continue the joke. Weinstock said the $400 wedding rental was worth every penny.


Why did Trump call for a ban on all llamas entering the US?
because he isllamaphobic

What do you call a secret group of llamas
The I-llama-nati

Okay, Lama spelled with one ‘L’ is a holy man in Tibet. With two ‘L’s, a llama is a South American pack animal. So, what is a Three ‘L’ lama?
A big fire in Boston.

What did the llama say to the depressed camel?
Don’t worry, you’ll get over this hump.