Whales Shaken and stirred
Whales Shaken and stirred
arthquakes can disrupt sperm whales’ ability to hunt for up to a year. As a result, sperm whales had to dive deeper and longer to find food—a “major shift” in their behavior. Liz Slooten was studying sperm whales in the Kaikoura area when the earthquake occurred. The scientists recognized it as a rare opportunity to research a large-scale natural disaster’s impact. “We just happened to be at the right place at the right time,” The results revealed sperm whales spent about 25 percent more time at the surface between foraging dives than they had before the quake. Slooten says this suggests the whales were gathering more oxygen and recharging their muscles for longer or deeper. A year after the earthquake, whales returned to their past surface-breathing intervals.
The safest place to be during an earthquake… would be in a stationary store.
Fortunately the California earthquakes were a bit out in the desert so not many people got hurt.
But a few snakes were rattled.
What’s an Etch-A-Sketch artists’s worst nightmare?
An earthquake.
It’s a great time to live in California
Because all the giant tsunamis caused by the giant earthquakes can put out the giant fires
Did you hear about how James Bond slept through an earthquake?
He was shaken, not stirred.