Who got punched?

Carl Moore is not a guy who scares easily. He’s 73 years old with a wiry frame and one heck of a character. And it turns out he’s also quite a bear fighter. Carl came face-to-face with a bear outside his home. He didn’t run. He didn’t call wildlife officials. “I ain’t run from nothing; I never have in my whole life and I ain’t going to start now,” he said. “And you’re not going to sacrifice my babies for some damn bear.” The ex-Marine says he punched a 300-pound bear in the face when it began to climb over a gate leading to his home. Moore says his Chihuahua Lacey screamed in terror when the bear straddled the gate leading onto his Northern California deck. His 15-year-old lab Bailey could barely bark to sound an alarm. But Moore, a former boxer, bar bouncer and self-described “brawler,” sprung into action. His cursing startled the animal, but when it stopped after starting to turn away, Moore went in for the punch. The bear had no idea what world it just stepped into—Carl’s world.

“And I raised both hands in the air and I cussed at him, ‘Rrraaaaaaa! Get out of here you bastard, and he looked at me like ‘Go eff yourself,” he said. “The man or beast that I run from ain’t been born, and his momma’s already dead,” he said. What happened next can only be described as insane. Carl landed a whirling haymaker, punching the bear right in the face—bear-handed if you will. “He come up like this, and turned, boom, I hit him hard. Tyler (Carl’s neighbor) said I damn corkscrewed his head,” (Carl’s neighbor) Tyler reported.

Well, if you talk to John Sargent, who’s known Carl for 25 years, he’ll say you bet Carl did it. He’s a friend and an employee with the construction company Carl owns. He says the bear was a bit shorter than Carl, but still a formidable opponent. After talking to them for awhile, it’s no surprise that Carl punched a bear. “He’s an ex-first recon Marine,” John said. “He’s been in barroom brawls, all kinda stuff.” The bear is long gone and likely in no rush for another Foothill fist fight with the new reigning champ. But if he does return, you know Carl will be ready with that right hand. “This guy’s a jerk, but the bear ain’t been back since he’s been smacked by Carl,” John said.

Puncher to the Punchee

While it is legal to shoot bears in Alaska, waking a sleeping bear for the purpose of taking a photograph is prohibited.

Polar bears in the Pittsburgh zoo received a $14 million domain renovation featuring a plush waterfall and running stream. Park officials expect a spike in ticket sales as well as a visit from Al Sharpton asking what the black bears got.

What do you call a bear that likes to spend his summers at the north pole and his winters at the South Pole?
A Bi-Polar bear.

What do you call a bear that’s lost both ears?
Anything you like, it can’t hear you. 

October 3rd Birthdays

1969 – Gwen Stefani, 1984 – Tessa Thompson, 1989 – Alicia Vikander, 1974 – Neve Campbell

1949 – Lindsay Buckingham, 1954  – Dennis Eckersley, 1951 – Dave Winfield, 1963 – Tommy Lee

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