Winter Wonderland

Winter Wonderland

If you are an incurable winter romantic this is heaven. In St. Johns, Newfoundland it has not stopped snowing since Christmas. In spite of being hardy Canadians, snow every day has piled up to between waist and shoulder deep. The city has declared a state of emergency. Only government workers and medical personnel are allowed to travel the streets when they are passable, even with snow machines. Parents have been asked to keep children indoors especially as very large construction equipment is being used to keep the roads open. This is why there are so many Canadians in Florida during the winter.


Two snowmen walk into a bar… then they melt.

Cats are smarter than dogs. You can’t get eight cats to pull a sled through snow.

Two inhabitants of hell were taking a walk when a frigid breeze blew by. The storm dumped several inches of snow. The men looked around in amazement. “What’s going on?” one asked. “Only thing I can figure,” replied his companion, “is that the Browns just won the Super Bowl.”

You might be from Buffalo if:
You have more miles on your snow blower than your car.

What do you call a Snowman in the Spring? A puddle.