Woman bites Camel
Woman bites Camel
A Louisiana truck stop had more than coffee to attract tourists, they made a petting zoo to break up the long highway rides. When one couple got there and went to the fence with their little dog the husband started throwing dog biscuits inside the animal’s fence to tease the dog. The dog scrambled under the fence. Caspar the camel went to investigate the dog and the woman then climbed under the wire and into the pen to protect her dog. In the confrontation Caspar sat on her and she bit the camel in order to get him off her. No one was seriously injured, but the couple was cited for not controlling their dog.
A Lion and a Tiger escaped with a Jaguar from a British zoo.
They were caught 15 miles down the road when the Jaguar broke down.
A cheap zoo lost its gorilla and instead of paying for one they hired a guy in a gorilla costume to act like a gorilla. When the people came to see him he pounded his chest and moved like a gorilla. Right under him was a lions cage. While he was running around chanting like a gorilla, the bottom of his cage broke and he fell into the loins cage. He started screaming and yelling “help me, help me.” As the lion got closer. The Lion ran to him and said “Shut up! You are going to get us both fired!”
A man enters a zoo enclosure to feed the tigers…
He succeeds
I got a new job at the zoo, circumcising elephants.
The pay isn’t great, but the tips are enormous.