Catty Heaven

Cat lover Peter Cohen turned his Santa Barbara, California, home into a veritable theme park for his 22 rescue cats with dozens of catwalks, cubbies, hideaways and elevated spaces for their indoor adventures. The home is covered with them and his cats spend entire days going on the kind of excursions many kitties only dream of. Cohen, who owns a construction company, says the design was inspired by Bob Walker’s book The Cats’ House, which highlighted the catwalks the author constructed for his feline friends. Cohen decided to add some of the elevated catwalks to his own home. “Once I saw the cats loved them, it became a kind of never-ending hobby,” Cohen told Adventure Cats.

Cohen designed all the home’s feline-friendly features himself, with his carpenters finishing the work, so it’s an environment that both he and the cats can enjoy. Cohen appreciates the architectural details and colors, while the cats get explore in the entire house — not just the floor. “By giving them lots of walks, bridges, tunnels, etc. to explore and live in, we provide an interesting world for them,” Cohen said. “Cats are like any sentient being. They need an interesting environment to live and prosper in.” Every room of the house is full of ramps, stairs, catwalks and toys. Cohen’s habitat is definitely interesting. So interesting, in fact, that it’s hard to pick a favorite spot. “While there are many catwalks I like, one of the most fun is the spiral ramp that is in my office,” he said.

Almost Heaven:

“We had 5 Cats but only 2 cat sleeping places,” explained their owner. “This seriously had to change.” That is when she decided to look upward to give them their own space. The only normal thing anyone would do in this kind of situation is building a Cat Ceiling Heaven!” wrote “MerlinandNerina” who posted the video below. They love building stuff for their cats. They each have their own wooden cubbies hand-crafted in the garden. Deciding to build a cat ceiling heaven for the felines turned out better than anyone could have expected. The felines in her life now have their own air space to roam about. At first, the felines showed some concern about using the rope bridges. The leader of the pack, Merlin, strolled across it without a problem, and the rest were quick to follow. The Ragdoll is a breed of large cat with a distinct colorpoint coat and blue eyes with a silky soft coat known for their docile temperament and affectionate nature.

Heavenly Humor

A little girl was talking to her teacher about whales. The teacher said it was physically impossible for a whale to swallow a human because even though it was a very large mammal its throat was very small. The little girl stated that Jonah was swallowed by a whale. Irritated, the teacher reiterated that a whale could not swallow a human; it was physically impossible. The little girl said, “When I get to heaven, I will ask Jonah.” The teacher asked, “What if Jonah went to hell?” The little girl replied, “Then you ask him.” 

I am afraid to go to heaven. What if one day I am walking and talking with God and He sneezes, What do I say?

A preacher goes into a bar and yells, “Anybody who wants to go to heaven, stand up.” Everybody stands up except for a drunk in the corner. The preacher says “My son, don’t you want to go to heaven when you die?” The drunk says “When I die? Sure. I thought you were taking a load up right now.”

A Texan died and went to the pearly gates. After a few days in heaven his bragging was getting on everyone’s nerves. No matter where he went in paradise he always said Texas had something better. Finally, Saint Peter took him to the edge of heaven and pointed straight down into the fiery depths of hell and asked, “Do you have something like that in Texas?” “No sir,” the oilman replied, “but we have some guys down in Houston who can put it out.”

May 18th Birthdays

1971 – Tina Fey, 1993 – Brook Wexler, 1997 – Alana Etheridge, 1996 – Shivagni Joshi

1920 – Pope John Paul II, 1952 – George Strait, 1946 – Reggie Jackson, 1929 – Pernell Roberts

Morning Motivator:

You don’t have to be good to start, but you have to start to be good.

Watch walking in the clouds