Hey buddy, we can hang out

Sugar was confused. He had spent most of her life on the farm and had never seen the real world  around Australia. Eventually the boredom got to even him. So he left his family and his home and started exploring the wider world. Fortunately, he fell in with a pretty nice gang, they were pretty jumpy and moved around a lot, but you know the grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence. About four years into his travels, Sugar’s gang ended up hanging out around one watering hole for about six months. By that time Sugar was getting worn out and really looking pretty shabby, so it was no surprise that he was captured by the greater Melbourne Water crews and put into humanitarian confinement. Sugar was given a much needed shearing after 5 years on the lamb and a few square meals. He lost about 28 pounds, but within a day or two he looked and felt much better.

Georgia Duncan, a water supply operator with Melbourne Water, led the sheep rescue mission and shared more details about Sugar’s journey. “It seems like his kangaroo friends took good care of him. Sugar was taken to a new temporary home at the Forever Friends Animal Sanctuary. “In the catchments surrounding our city’s reservoirs, wildlife is abundant and diverse, especially on the walking tracks,” the post read. “We keep an eye out for wedge-tailed eagles, black-tailed wallabies, echidnas, kangaroos, and an abundance of other wildlife. But Melbourne Water staff were surprised to learn about lost Sugar, far from home.” Sugar was adopted and “will soon get to spend the rest of his days with Georgia,” the sanctuary said.

Sugar is not the only animal that learned to overcome their spiciest prejudices and cohabitate with others for their mutual benefit. Zebras and ostriches are both prey for faster animals, they must both maintain a heightened sense of alertness for danger. The problem is that zebras—while they have excellent eyesight—don’t have a great sense of smell. Ostriches, on the other hand, have a great sense of smell but poor eyesight. So the two hang out together working together to stay alert to predators, relying on the eyes of the zebra and the noses of the ostriches. In the U.S. coyotes and badgers are often seen in the dry desert West. You might have seen photos of this pairing traveling together in the night or walking side by side through a sunny plain. Both are incredible hunters, but the coyote gets into a bind when its prey seeks refuge underground. Badgers, being superior diggers, can better access below-ground dwellers, and when they do, the two species share the meal. No word on who picks up the tip.

Buddy jokes

My buddy said, “What rhymes with orange?”
I pondered for a while and thought…”No, it doesn’t.”

A guy says to his buddy, “I’m thinking about buying a labrador.”
His pal warns, “That might not be such a good idea. Have you seen how many of Labrador owners go blind?”

At his wedding, my buddy told me I’m the worst best man he has ever seen.
I was speechless.

My buddy owns a DeLorean.
He drives it from time to time.

November 2nd Birthdays

1961 – k. d. lang,  1973 – Marisol Nichols, 1998 – Briell Barbusca, 1942 – Stephanie Powers

1734 – Daniel Boone, 1967 – Scott Walker, 1966 – David Schwimmer, 1985 – Danny Amendola

Morning Motivator:

Always concentrate on how far you have come, rather than how far you have to go.

Interspecies community