Dukes of Highway 99

Sometimes people do crazy things behind the wheel of a car and they later live to regret it, if they’re lucky. Insane dashcam footage shows a car hurtling over a California highway — narrowly missing power lines before it slams onto the road below. The driver traveling on Highway 99 in Modesto launched her sedan into the air like something straight out of The Dukes of Hazzard. According to the California Highway Patrol, the driver in this incident, who hasn’t been identified, was distracted while traveling down Highway 99. The car veered off the highway and up a grassy embankment before launching into the air. With the sun shining behind the trees behind the car jump, the whole thing almost looks picturesque. Miraculously, the woman behind the wheel escaped with only minor injuries, which is really a testament to the safety of cars these days. Prior to launching from the berm, the driver in question was involved in a hit-and-run accident. On camera, we got to see the person actually beating other cars down the freeway — probably doing 80 to 100 miles per hour in a 25 zone.”  She had been driving backwards on Highway 99, exiting an on-ramp before the incident.

A Yuba City, California man driving his truck with his family inside early one morning had the scare of his life as a car launched off a nearby freeway and crashed on the road in front of them  nearly hitting the truck. The surreal scene was caught on the video below by the man’s dashcam, capturing both his wife and 11-year-old daughter screaming at the shocking realization of how close of a brush they had with death. Just before the incident, California Highway Patrol says the car had been in a hit-and-run accident. Amazingly, the driver only sustained minor injuries in the crash. We consider that a miracle since the car looks like a meteor before it ended up on its roof. Also, the car just missed the overhead power lines. The man who took the video said he got out and extinguished a small fire that had started, a move which might have saved the driver’s life until emergency services came to extract the driver. What’s truly frightening about this video, other than the wife and daughter screaming, is the fact everything looks like so many normal, everyday parts of the United States.

Driver training dropouts

When the San Francisco police hauled a man into court for driving in a two person minimum carpool lane, the man claimed his dog, riding shotgun, as a passenger. The motorist added that he was partially blind and the dogs barking warned him of approaching cars. 

Dad, before you were married, who told you how to drive? 

Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac? The one thing that unites all human beings, regardless of age, gender, religion or ethnic background, is that we all believe we are above-average drivers.

The roadway led us to a covered bridge just as another car approached from the opposite direction. We were at an impasse, the other driver-clearly feeling wrong-shouted, “I never back up for idiots.” My friend put her car in reverse and yelled out the window, “I do.” 

November 21st Birthdays

1985 – Jena Malone, 1946 – Goldie Hawn, 1938 – Marlo Thomas, 1964 – Nicolette Sheridan

1967 – Troy Aikman, 1969 – Ken Griffey, Jr.,  1971 – Michael Strahan, 1951 – John Kennedy

Morning Motivator: