Jammer in the slammer

A French dad, desperate to block his children from spending too much time on social media, got a little carried away especially considering his ignorance of technology. “Pierre” could not stop his children from going online at night after he went to bed. He was tired of complaining and decided to put his electronic foot down and stop them. So he bought an internet scrambler. This device sends out a signal on the internet that destroys all other signals. Basically making such a loud noise electronically that no other signal can get through. That certainly would have stopped his children from sneaking around his rules. He set the device to be active between the hours of midnight and 3 a.m. when his children would be furiously roaming social media. Unbeknownst to him, though, the device blocked not only the access to the internet for his house, but for the entire beach town of Messanges, in southwestern France. Worse yet, the scrambler was also blocking the internet and telephone service for nearby towns, which the ANFR (French internet police) said is common with the machines. Often, scramblers have a “wider range of action than one thinks or than the seller suggests,” ANFR wrote on its website. The father is now being prosecuted and faces up to six months in prison. He also faces up to a $34,000 fine as well as a $511fee for the ANFR investigation. BTW, jammers are illegal in the US for obvious reasons. There is no substitute for parents.

Internet outage Extraordinaire

After an outage, what time does the power come back on?

There are a lot of scams on the internet…
For the low price of $69 I can show you how to avoid them.

I wonder what my parents did to fight boredom before the internet…
I asked my 8 brothers and sisters and they didn’t know either.

Whoever said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again
and expecting different results has obviously never had to reboot a computer.

February 23rd Birthdays

1974 – Emily Blunt, 1971 – Nicey Nash, 1994 – Dakota Fanning, 1971 – Neicy Nash

1976 – Alvaro Morte, 1963 – Bobby Bonilla, 1984 – Aziz Ansari, 1982 – Josh Gad

Morning Motivator:

It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.

Those Darn Kids: