“Is mus” be your lucky day

Sometimes, it just seems that God is going to make it happen no matter what. Especially for a man who had been on the cardiac transplant list for a long time in Los Angeles. The system found a donor and a match and they told him to get to the Keck Hospital. The donation was being flown in from San Diego by helicopter and all the crew were standing by. Then the worst thing happened, the helicopter lost its attitude and crashed on the roof of the hospital. The crash broke the helicopter’s propellers and tail, flipping the aircraft onto its side. Fire crews were called and they wet down the scene. But to get the donation out of the craft they had to use the hydraulic jaws of life to cut into the cabin. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when the donation container was retrieved intact and handed to a waiting doc. Then the doc carrying the heart tripped coming off the helipad and the organ plopped to the roof.

The heart went rolling across the floor, but it was then retrieved. You would think that by now the poor organ would be worse for wear, but doctors assessed it to be transplantable and proceeded to perform the surgery.  The Copter crew suffered injuries, but they were not life threatening.  The big news was that Mark Cunningham, MD, the cardiac surgeon and his crew were able to save the heart and the transplant patient. The heart is now remarkably beating inside the patient’s body. The hospital shared that the operation went smoothly and that the heart recipient was recovering well. Two members of the Keck Medical Center of USC that were aboard the aircraft survived the accident without any serious injuries while the pilot suffered minor injuries. A donated organ can survive up to four or six hours once extracted from a donor. Nearly 113,000 people are currently waiting for donor organs in the U.S.

Hearts unbroken

My heart says we are meant for each other
My brain asks, Are we really?
The police say: “Sir! Stay where you are and let go of the penguin!”

A fortune teller told me I’d suffer awful heart break in 12 years.
To cheer myself up I bought a puppy.

Sometimes someone unexpected comes into your life out of nowhere, makes your heart race and changes your life forever.
We call these people cops.

A whole generation will only know Billy Ray Cyrus because of “Old Town Road”
and that destroys – my Achey Breaky Heart.

June 6th Birthdays

1955 – Sandra Bernhard, 1939 – Marian Edelman, 1959 – Amanda Pays, 1992- Ashley Park

1956 – Bjorn Borg   1935 – Dalai Llama,  1959 – Colin Quinn, 1967 – Paul Giamatti

Morning Motivator:

The key to success is confidence in advance of results!

Cardiac Persistence