Meese on the loose, Eh!

Warning! Don’t let a moose lick your car, not trample it,  not ram it, or stomp on it. “Don’t let the moose lick your car,” does sound very funny, but it’s easy to see why Canadian officials would warn people about moose wanting to give their car a smooch. Moose are big, sturdy animals, and smashing your car into one is not a good idea. “Unfortunately, licking cars puts moose at risk of being injured or killed if they get hit by a vehicle,” said Tracy McKay of Parks Canada. Yes, it’s risky for the moose. But it’s equally dangerous for the people in the car. Moose are kind of like cows in the sense that they love a good salt lick. They’re massive beasts, after all, and keeping that huge body functioning requires a lot of sodium. Canada’s roads transform into gigantic, miles-long salt licks that moose simply love. As people drive on those roads, the sides and wheel wells of their cars get splattered with salty slush. Since many drivers (or at least those with a lick of sense) slow down when they see a moose, the animal might decide to come to lick the salt off the car. The first time Parks Canada warned about moose salt cravings came after multiple confused drivers called the agency. They reported moose licking their cars and asked what they should do about it.

“In the summer there is lots of greenery around and those plants have a lot more minerals in them … and in the winter Moose typically don’t have access to those plants.” Salting roads has already increased the number of moose crashes in Canada. The animals are active at night and drivers may not notice the dark-furred moose on the road until it’s too late. As a result, some areas in Canada have started using sand on roads instead of salt. As McKay recommended, the best solution is to just keep driving, as long as it’s safe to do so.

You think your morning shower was cold…

Jolyne Lavoie said she and her husband, Claude, were out in their side-by-side off-road vehicle in the Rogersville region of New Brunswick, when they spotted a young moose that had fallen through the ice into a river. “When the moose spotted us, she tried to get up and all she could do was slip and fall back on the ice, she couldn’t get a grip to get up and walk off,” Lavoie told CBC News. Jolyne recalled passing a police car a few miles back, so they circled around and enlisted the troopers to help them pull the animal from the icy water with a yellow load strap.  “We knew if we didn’t get her out, she probably wouldn’t be able to make it,” Jolyne said. She posted a series of videos to Facebook showing her husband venturing out onto the ice and getting the strap around the moose’s back leg. The rescuers hauled the moose closer to shore before moving the strap to the animal’s neck so it could be pulled onto the bank. The video below shows the moose getting her legs, standing and walking away.

Moose meanderings

A hunter and his guide were deep in the mountains when they stopped to rest. The hunter gazed at his companion and mused, “You know, I’m a pretty big fellow. If I had a heart attack or broke a leg, how would you get me out?”
“Last year, I shot a sixteen hundred pound moose way back there and got it out all right,” the guide replied.
“How’d you manage that?”
“Twelve trips.”

Trump and Pence go hunting. As they’re walking through the woods, they see an elk foraging on leaves.
Pence says, “Hey look, an elk.”
Trump says, “No that’s Fake moose.”

What do you call a moose with no name?

I told my niece that I saw a moose on the way to work this morning.
She asked, “How do you know he was on his way to work?”

January 11th Birthdays

1988 –  L’Esperance quintuplets, 1977 – Amanda Peet, 1971 – Mary Blige, 1980 – Deanna Wright

1757 – Alexander Hamilton, 1842 – William James, 1989 – Jedidiah Goodacre, 1923 – Carroll Shelby

Morning Motivator: