Two wheeled Friends

Shmuel Avital owns a restaurant and a biker bar. He is famous in the biker community not only for his hospitality, but for his custom made, very expensive KTM 390 Duke motorcycle. Tuesday morning, Avital arrived for work at his East Village eatery “Spiegel” and immediately noticed his custom-made bike, which he parks out front, was missing. Avital immediately got the word out that his easily recognized bike was stolen. Motorcycle clubs including joined in the hunt by sharing online pictures with their members. “I got a phone call from a truck driver in the Bronx, he saw the bike, snapped a shot, and he sent me a picture.” Avital then called his neighbor Brian Hamilton, who works for the highway patrol, to tell the officer that he was going to get his bike back and sprang into action. In the Bronx where he spotted the stolen bike, phoned in the location to Hamilton and pursued the alleged culprit. Avital persuaded the guy on the stolen bike to turn off the engine, pull over and let him check out the motorcycle. “I was asking if he was selling the bike, asking him questions about the bike. When he saw the police coming, he was trying to take off so I tackled him and held him down,” he said.


Zoom, Zoom, Zoom

Little known fact, Moses had a motorcycle.
It literally says so in the Bible:
“And lo, the roar of Moses’ Triumph was heard throughout Israel”

I used to be a motorcycle courier…
Man those things are heavy.

There was a Motorcycle crash in my street I shouted “let me through.”
“Are you a doctor,” they asked.
I said, “No it’s my Pizza.”

I just got a wooden motorcycle. It has a wooden frame, wooden handle bars, wooden wheels, and a wooden seat. Guess what?
It wooden start.


March 24th Birthdays

1977 – Jessica Chastain, 1973 – Alyson Hannigan, 1998 – Paris Warner

1976 – Peyton Manning, 1974 – Jim Parsons, 1984 – Chris Bosch


Morning Motivator

If our thoughts become things…then choose the fantastic, amazing and awesome ones.


Friends in need, roar to help