The sweet smell of vomit

Siriporn Niamrin is a 49 year old resident of Thailand. On February 23, Niamrin was on a walk at a beach 500 yards from her home. She discovered a strange lump, about a foot wide and two feet long, the thing resembled a rock, with an off-white color with brown patches. It definitely wasn’t a rock, though. The texture was all weird, and the lump smelled faintly of fish. She decided to pick the 15-pound object up and carried it back to her house. She would soon be very glad that she did. The neighbors told her that it might just be whale vomit. Whale vomit also known as ambergris is an incredibly precious commodity widely used as an ingredient in the most expensive perfumes. To check whether the thing was indeed genuine, whale upchuck, they held a match to the lump. The material quickly began to melt, and as they moved the flame away, it re-solidified just as fast. Niamrin’s hunk of puke could be worth more than $250,000.

Do you smell a whale?

I heard Macy’s is selling this new perfume that has that “new Tesla smell”
They’re calling it ‘Elon Musk’.

Did you hear about the explosion at the workshop where the Italians make perfume?
It blew up the olfactory

What do you call perfume that doesn’t smell?

A guy asked a beautiful lady sitting next to him ‘Nice perfume, which one is it? I want to give it to my wife!’
Lady: ‘Don’t give her. Some idiot will find an excuse to talk to her!’


March 8th Birthdays

1963 – Kathy Ireland, 1902 – Louise Beqavers, 1936 – Sue Anne Langdon, 1954 – Cheryl Baker

1977 – Freddie Prinz, Jr, 1992 – Devon Workheiser, 1977 – Heinz Ward, 1988 – James Van Der Beek


Morning Motivator

Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else.


Sweet smell of Cetacean success