Taking Doodling to the limit

Looking at the picture here you would guess some child got a set of magic markers, but an artist who goes by the name of Mr. Doodle has doodled the entire surface of his rather enormous house, both inside and out. And his furniture. And the kitchen appliances. His car too. An interview with “BBC Breakfast,” showed footage of the home when he first purchased it three years ago, for a reported. $1.5 million, looking ordinary with completely bare walls. With help from Mrs., Doodle and Doodle the Dog – yep, they’re the perfect happy doodle family, the artist spent two years transforming his own house into what is surely the biggest doodle the world has seen. A doodle they’ll now live inside.  Mr. Doodle, who was born as Sam Cox, decided seven years ago that he wanted to buy a house and turn the whole property into a canvas. And that he did. The Doodle House is covered from floor to ceiling in the 28-year-old artist’s signature black and white doodles. What supplies does it take to doodle an entire 12-room mansion? Cox says the entire project took about 238 gallons of white paint, “401 cans of black spray paint (for the outside), 286 bottles of black drawing paint (for the inside) and 2,296 pen nibs,”

It’s the largest work of art to date for an artist who’s gained 2.6 million followers on Instagram. The Doodle House wasn’t just a whim or an extremely elaborate social media stunt. It forms part of Mr. Doodle’s aim to get the humble doodle recognized as a form of art. And that mission seems to be going pretty well for Mr. Doodle so far. He’s already scored solo gallery shows in Shanghai and Shenzhen and, one canvas of his doodles has fetched close to $1 million. It’s hard to imagine where he can go next after doodling an entire mansion, but it seems he has no plans to stop doodling any surface he can. “The completion of the house is just the beginning of my childhood dream to doodle the entire planet and to encourage the art world to recognize doodles as an art form. Sam says his interest in doodles began at an early age, and we suspect may have got him into some bother. Apparently, he started on his parents’ furniture and school walls as a kid. He later developed his own visual language or “Doodle World” densely clustered and ever-multiplying characters and patterns. So think again before you chuck those doodled notepads, they might just inspire your next home makeover.

Hyper artist

My graffiti-artist girlfriend just left me
I should have really seen the writing on the wall.

It was “Public Art,” defined as art that is purchased by experts who are not spending their own personal money.

I strangled a mime artist….
With a cordless phone.

An artist goes on stage to receive an award
   I wanna thank my legs, for supporting me.
   My arms, for always being by my side.
   My fingers, because I can always count on them.
   And finally sidewalks, for keeping me off the street.

October 5th Birthdays

1993 – Mercedes Lambra, 1975 – Kate Winslett, 1986 – Nathanlie Kelly, 1994 – Kara Royster

1984 – Jesse Eisenberg, 1990 – Myles Jeffrey, 1965 – Mario Lemieux, 1957 – Bernie Mack

Morning Motivator:

Don’t let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.

Get the Doodle tour

More doodles to hypnotize you