Congratulations, You have won the lottery

You may be one of the lucky people that have the magic combination of the right smell in your skin and the insect savior-faire to make you a Mosquito Magnet. Not everyone has this magic combination of skin oils and secret pheromones that draws those female buggers to taste you. Around the world nobody likes to be bit by mosquitoes and they can carry several serious diseases. You will be relieved to know that Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Rockefeller University and the Department of Defense have paid for the best mosquito mind readers to try to isolate your insect charm. They started with testing real people in rooms with mosquitos and found some folks, just have it. The human could not detect any differences in the scent of the most attractive people, nor any difference in their skin color or temperature.

Among the biters favorites, the researchers found one common factor: Mosquito magnets had high levels of certain acids on their skin. These “greasy molecules” are part of the skin’s natural moisturizing layer, and people produce them in different amounts. The healthy bacteria that live on the skin eat up these acids and produce part of our skin’s odor profile. Still, figuring out ways to fight off mosquitoes isn’t easy, since the critters have evolved to be “lean, mean biting machines.” By the way, mosquitoes prefer humans to animals for supper. The study proved this point. Researchers also did the experiment with mosquitoes whose genes were edited to damage their sense of smell. The bugs still flocked to the same mosquito magnets. “Mosquitoes are resilient. They have backup plans to be able to find the same most attractive people with or without smell and bite them.”

Surprisingly, the experts seem to agree the best way to not get bit is to keep the mosquitoes away from you with house hygiene and long sleeves. They also recommend light colors when outside. The commercial repellants work as well as any other secret concoctions. Try DEET containing creams and sprays also Cutter and products that contain oil of eucalyptus. I guess you can’t beat them, but you can confuse them.  

Mosquito mirth

There are thousands of different mosquito species
And they all suck.

“I went fishing with my new tackle and they were biting like crazy.”
“No, mosquitoes.”

According to scientists,
Infertility is hereditary. So, if your parents didn’t have kids, then neither will you.

Scientists have discovered a way to milk sheep.
Just release a new iPhone every year.

I find myself buying the same mosquito repellent my boyfriend gives me
I guess you could say he’s rubbing Off on me.

October 28th Birthdays

1967 – Julia Roberts, 1998 – Eliana Jones, 1986 – Trojan Bellasario, 1997 – Lane MacNeil

1974 – Joaquin Phoenix, 1981 – Joe Thomas, 1972 – Brad Paisley, 1914 – Jonas Salk

Morning Motivator:

What you do for yourself is gone, but the favors for others remain your legacy.

 That insectual charm