Honey, did you order a seal?

Jenn Ross went out early to her gym in the university town of Mount Maunganui in New Zealand.  She returned to the home around 7 a.m., opening the door to find “a cute little seal” in the hallway.  “It got a bit of a fright and humped it’s way down the hallway into the spare room,” Ross said. Phil Ross, who coincidentally is a marine biologist, was not home when the seal was discovered. “The big joke is that this is really the only family emergency where it would be useful to have a marine biologist in the house,” Ross told the Guardian. “I really missed my time to shine.” “Obviously the seal wasn’t as intimidated as some dogs are, so our cat Coco must have bolted around the side of the house, into the catflap, and the seal must have followed her,” he said. The Ross’ two children, Noah, 12, and Ari, 10, were welcoming to their new “pet” — who amazingly turned out to be a polite house guest. “They thought it was cool and pretty that…not many of their mates would have seals come to visit them,” Ross said, adding that the mammal didn’t destroy anything in the home or defecate inside.

The University of Waikato, where Ross works, shared photos of the ordeal online, including one showing the seal peering around a corner and another of Coco their cat in the incident’s aftermath. Jenn Ross shooed the seal outside, and a Department of Conservation ranger arrived to catch the bold seal and release it back to the sea. As for Coco, she took some time to recover. “Coco hid at the neighbor’s house and wouldn’t come home until the seal was gone. Then for the next day, she wouldn’t go downstairs where the seal had been. We didn’t see the seal/cat interaction, but it was clearly something that Coco didn’t enjoy and is pretty clearly traumatized.”  The intruding seal was “in good condition” and simply made a poor choice, Phil added. “It is really common for young seals to end up on unusual bits of coastline at this time of year. The young ones are starting to get weaned, going out on their own, and like most teenagers, can make bad decisions about where they end up. I knew the kids were wanting a new pet, but this was definitely a step too far.”

Kiwi Komedy

My mom is in New Zealand, and just sent me a text saying she’s 12 hours ahead
Anyone wanna know what happens in the future?

What is the difference between New Zealand and Democrats?
In New Zealand the sheep have four legs.

A friend from New Zealand asked me to put a wedge of lime in his cocktail.
He took a sip and said, “Thank you, I couldn’t have made it bitter myself!”

What is a New Zealander’s favorite book?
50 Shades of Graze.

October 20th Birthdays

1984 – Alona Tol, 1986 – Jennifer Freeman, 1970 – Michelle Malkin, 1972 – Dannii Minogue

1980 – Joh Krasinski, 1931 – Micky Mantle,  1953 – Tom Petty, 1986 – Bruno Mars

Morning Motivator:

Wisdom has two parts: 1) Having a lot to say. 2) Not saying it.

Look what the cat brought in