Animal electronics

We often hear that dogs can easily identify their owners and other friendly animals through their senses. Additionally, they align their behaviors with their habits. However, a popular video demonstrates that a dog can recognize its companions on screen in addition to in real life. Sadie and Rollo lived in the same apartment building with their owners during the Lockdown. When Rollo and his owner had to move 3 hours away for a business opportunity, arrangements were made to allow the dogs to talk to each other via video chat every Thursday.

Rollo and Sadie, a pair of canine best friends, adorably talk to each other using FaceTime when they were apart from one another. The Instagram account Rollo and Sadie posted a video of two dogs interacting in a video conversation with the caption, “When you really miss your bestie.” Rollo, who is a mix of Rottweiler and German Shepherd, whined at a high pitch, while Sadie, who is part Huskie, howled in response. The pair maintain a long-distance relationship that their humans Kayla McTeer and Caitlin Banks keep going.

Cats are mischievous, playful, and like to interact with people. Cats enjoy playing with toys, and those that do not venture outdoors frequently engage in different activities.  “Cats like to watch birds, rodents, and other animals,” Dr. Dodman says, but noted that “they’re more interested in what’s going on outside in the real world,” not on a screen. Dodman’s own cats spend a lot of time peering out the window, watching birds from the comfort of the living room. “It’s great mental stimulation,” he adds.

There’s no dedicated TV channel for cats (whereas canines can tune into DOGTV), but there’s also tons of videos on YouTube at your fingertips. Most show images of cats and prey. These videos also pay attention to how your cat sees. For example, we see more colors than our cats because we have red, green, and blue cones, which are special color-sensitive cells in our eyes. Cats have green and blue but lack red cones. Basically, cats see the world in shades of gray and blue. That means you won’t need to throw on a Baking Show marathon when you’re out of the house. Your cat won’t care. A better option would be some of the online content tailored to your kitty’s niche interests. Try this 7-hour video of birds and squirrels, or some of these other tempting videos. Your cat might also enjoy watching nature shows, because the animals and their movements stimulate their prey drive.

Here is a video of a cat watching TV with its owner is going viral on the internet. The cat is closely watching a soccer match while sitting next to the TV. The unique thing about the video is that the cat is trying to stop the ball with her paws so many times that the owner and other people present in the room burst into laughter.

June 22nd Birthdays

1949 – Meryl Streep,  1953 – Cindy Lauper, 1960 – Tracy Pollan, 1960 – Erin Brokovich

1936 – Kris Kristofferson, 1987 – Lee Min Ho, 1947 – Don Henley, 2000 – Sam Retford

Morning Motivator:

“Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you
where there were only walls.”

Animals tune in