Tahoe gang captured

California authorities have captured four suspects in multiple break-ins at homes around South Lake Tahoe: The gang seems to wander around looking for open doors and windows and then comes in to clean out refrigerators and most anything else edible. Finally years of police work have confirmed they have the right gang with DNA evidence: a mama bear and three of her cubs. The large female black bear and her three little accomplices were responsible for at least 21 instances of property damage since 2022, the state Department of Fish and Wildlife said in a statement. The den leader, known to researchers as 64F was sentenced to life in a sprawling wildlife sanctuary near Springfield, Colorado.

The youngsters could end up at a rehabilitation facility in Sonoma County, California, “in hopes they forget their negative behaviors they learned from the sow and can be returned to the wild,” the government statement said. 64F, who was outfitted with a tracking device earlier this year, is one of three adult bears identified last year as being responsible for 150 incident reports, including property damage, in the lake region straddling Northern California and Nevada.

But wait, there is more!

Cailyn McRossie-Martinez and Brandon Martinez are high school sweethearts who met in biotech class when they did a group project together. The couple tied the knot July 31 in the mountains on the outskirts of Boulder. “I think the reason we actually chose that spot was because it was so entrenched in nature,” Brandon Martinez said. And boy, did Mother Nature show up for their wedding. It started with heavy rain that came pouring down when the couple were about to say their vows. “So, by the time it started pouring rain on us in the middle of the ceremony, us and all of our guests were soaking wet. But it was awesome. It was totally awesome,” Cailyn McRossie-Martinez said.

Just as the dancing had started at the couple’s reception, an unexpected guest showed up – a bear. “It’s not too often you go to your dessert table and see a bear crashing it and eating all of it,” Brandon Martinez said. “And I was like, ‘Of course. Of course, this is happening. You know, a monsoon to go with the bear. I mean, it just makes perfect sense, the perfect Colorado wedding,’” Cailyn quipped. The couple say the bear ate their lemon bars and cannoli, the latter being the dessert they were most looking forward to. After the bear helped itself, staff security shooed it off, and no one was hurt. “Just kind of how this day ended up playing out, you know, there’s just a bear on top of the table. Just kind of the next thing that happened,” Brandon Martinez said. “This takes the cake. Literally, this takes the cake,” Cailyn said.

Surprise Guests

A mother invited some people to dinner. At the table, she turned to her six-year-old daughter and asked, “Would you like to say the blessing.” “I wouldn’t know what to say,” the girl replied. “Just say what you hear mommy say,” the mother answered. The daughter bowed her head and said, “Lord, why on earth did I invite all of these people to dinner?” 

One afternoon my younger sister called and said I have company coming for dinner and I cannot decide what to serve. I made some suggestions and rattled off some recipes for a complete menu. I was surprised she had not called our older sister who had an outstanding reputation in the kitchen.” Why didn’t you ask Loraine, Connie?”  “Because, I knew if you could make the stuff, I could.” 

My girlfriend and I are having a disagreement. She wants a huge wedding with 500 guests and a band… I want us to see other people.

At a party, the hostess served her guest a cup of punch and told him it was wine spiked. Next, she served some to the Minister. “I would rather commit adultery than allow liquor to pass my lips,” the minister replied. Hearing this, the first man poured his punch back into the bowl and said, “I didn’t know we had a choice.”

August 10th Birthdays

1959 – Rosanna Arquette, 1972 – Angie Harmon, 1980 – Joanna Garcia, 1962 – Suzanne Collins

1961 – Antonio Banderas, 1990 – Brenton Thwaites, 1991 – Lucas Till, 1971 – Kevin Randleman

Morning Motivator:

The toughest part of getting to the top of the ladder,
is getting through the crowd at the bottom.

This takes the cake