Zebby: cat of the year

One feline from England is giving guide dogs good competition by being one of the most supportive pets for people. Cats are known to make you feel better by simply sitting on your chest and purring out loud while it chooses to offer you the pleasure of laying your hands on it. However, Zebby, a two-year-old black and white cat from Chesterfield, Derbyshire, does a lot more than that for his owner with a hearing impairment. He helps his owner, Genevieve Moss, 66, who is deaf, by tapping her to alert her to noises like the phone or doorbell ringing. Ms. Moss said she, “can’t imagine life without Zebby” and is “over the moon,” with the award. Zebby, was chosen from thousands of other pets as overall winner of the National Cat Awards. The event, organized by the feline welfare charity, was held at Wilton’s Music Hall, in London, on Monday. He was then crowned overall winner by a panel of celebrities and experts, including former footballer David Seaman MBE and veterinarian and TV personality Dr Scott Miller. Genevieve said: “I am so proud of Zebby for showing the world how intuitive and caring cats can be, and what a positive effect they can have on people’s lives.

Genevieve “can’t imagine life without Zebby.” “I am so proud of Zebby for showing the world how intuitive and caring cats can be and what a positive effect they can have on people’s lives. Without my hearing aid, I can’t hear anything, but now I have Zebby to help me,” she says. The cat received a trophy and a prize package. Genevieve went on to explain what Zebby does for her to assist her. “He’ll come and tap me when the phone is ringing, and then I can pop my hearing aid and speaker on and take the call. In the night, if there’s an unusual noise, he will bat me on my head to wake me up and let me know,” she said. Zebby will tap Genevieve on the cheek or pace in front of her to remind her to put on her hearing aid. Astonishingly, the cat has not been trained specially to assist Moss. Aside from alerting her to noises, Zebby helps the woman by picking up the mail from the doormat and delivering it to her in his mouth or bringing in her slippers.

Zebby was among the four felines who were finalists in the “Family Fur-ever” award category and was voted the winner by the public. “From the moment we read his entry form, we knew Zebby was something special,” Ashley Fryer, Cats Protection’s National Cat Awards organizer said, “Zebby is clearly devoted to Genevieve, and their story highlights the powerful bond that exists between people and their cats. He’s a shining example of the joy and comfort a cat can bring.” Genevieve added, “We’ve got a very close bond and I wouldn’t want to cope without him. Living on my own and being deaf means life could be lonely, but not with Zebby around, he’s my hero,” better than a guide dog.

Better than a guide dog

Every dog is a guide dog If you don’t care where you’re going.

When my friend spotted a blind man and his guide dog at a crosswalk, she stopped her car and waved them on. “Oh, Cynthia,” I said, “he can’t see you. “I know that,” she said indignantly. “I was waving the dog on.” 

My friends set me up on a blind date.
I can’t wait to see her guide dog!

Q. What’s the worst thing that can happen to an umpire when he gets home after a game?
A. His guide dog bites him.

August 24th Birthdays

1965 – Marlee Matlin, 1928 – Penny Edwards, 1970 – Sandra Whyte, 1962 – Mary Ellen Weber

1974 – Dave Chappell, 1976 – Sam Worthington, 1988 – Golden Tate,  1989 – Rupert Grint

Morning Motivator:

The question should be, is it worth trying to do, not can it be done.

I hear your pain