Luckily, he’s got guts!

Liu is a 28 year-old Chinese man who is well known in the neighborhood, in part because he is developmentally disabled. For reasons unknown, Liu apparently was jumping up and down on the wooden cover of the family well. Considering his 300+ pound size, the inevitable happened, the lid broke and Liu almost fell into the deep hole. He did not make it all the way because he is so big around his fat jammed up the hole and saved him, but left him trapped with legs and waist in the well with his chest, shoulders and head above. Eventually 5 firemen were able to put a rope around him and pull him up to free him. Liu walked away bruised, but unbowed.

Heavy duty humor

Question: Who is the best friend of china?
Answer: WHO is the best friend of china.

Why does China have so many people?
Their condoms were made in China

My friend Ty came first in the Beijing marathon 5 years ago, but still has not been awarded a gold medal.
China refuses to acknowledge Ty won.

I just got off the phone with a researcher in China. He says it’s not worth getting the Covid-19 now.
As they are expecting the Covid-20 PRO to be released in December


August 19th Birthdays

1953 – Mary Matalin, 1965 – Kyra Sedgwick, 1984 – Tammin Sursak
1964 – John Stamos, 1970 – Matthew Perry, 1985 – Simon Byrd, 1989 – Kirk Cousins


Morning Motivator

A year from now you may wish you had started today


Using your assets:

Saved from gravity