Do you notice anything different?

“Jackie” was bored with Zoom meetings and wanted to play a trick on her coworkers. So she wore the same blue Hawaiian shirt with flowers and pineapples to a meeting and then another and then all week and it became a contest to see how long she could be incognito. Sadly, she wore the same shirt 264 times without comment from anyone else. In fact she only revealed her scam on her last day at the company. “I was like, wouldn’t it be funny if I wore this shirt again? Like that’d be a funny joke and everyone would say something.. And then I thought, well, I’m going to keep doing this until someone notices, and no one ever noticed,” she said. “When I told my team that I had been wearing the same shirt, they didn’t know what I was talking about. They hadn’t noticed.” A commentor said: “Well I’m not gonna stress anymore about my expensive 7 shirt/5 day rotation!” Yet another wrote, “This is why capsule wardrobes work. People don’t pay near as much attention as you think they do.”


Notice anything different?

“Zoom meetings” is a stupid name, and it’s branded. We should call it a bit more casual like “coworker video chat”…Or something shorter, like “co-vid”.

When someone forgets to turn on their camera in zoom
they have been infected by Novid-19

What Do You Call Mondays without Any Zoom Meetings?
Meetless Mondays

During a business meeting yesterday, someone asked me about my background. So I told him about my education, career, family, hopes and dreams.
Turns out he was asking about what was behind me on our Zoom call.


June 28th Birthdays

1972 – Aileen Quinn, 1948 – Kath Bates, 1980 – Felicia Day, 1970 – Tachina Arnold

1926 – Mel Brooks, 1972 – Elon Musk, 1981 – Steve Burton, 1960 – John Elway


Morning Motivator:

“You’ll be the same today five years from now, except for the people you meet and the books you read.”


If you would see me now