Pete and Repete

The 25-year-old Sofia Rodriguez, from Cordoba, Argentina had a problem. It was pretty embarrassing and she did not want to admit it or even tell her friends and relatives. Sofia had given birth to twin boys and when they came home from the hospital, they had wrist bands with their names on them. But the boys started growing and the wrist bands got too tight, so consulting with her spouse she cut the bands. The next morning she realized she could not tell her children apart. The embarrassed parents agonized over not just their lack of knowledge, but how would they ever find out going forward. “It was crazy,” Rodriguez told Today. “I never thought I would get them confused. Yet, here we are. ” It’s not easy having an identical twin. If you have one, you’re probably used to strangers, teachers, and sometimes even friends confusing you for your sibling. But at least you can always rely on your parents to know who is who. She was wrong. One day, as her sons were sick and she was changing their onesies, the realization sank in. Their mother had no idea which of the babies was which. They did the logical thing. They called police. Police came and fingerprinted the boys but said it would take a couple of weeks to go through the records.

Meanwhile, her story began to go viral on the internet. With that, came people who started offering their tips and tricks on how Rodriguez could prevent the situation from happening again. One netizen suggested making an imprint of the bottoms of the children’s feet. Someone else suggested piercing one boy’s ear. Rodriguez might’ve felt that she was an awful mother, but the comments revealed that she wasn’t alone in her struggle. One mother of twins noted that she bathed and medicated the same twin twice by accident. “But they survived,” she added. 

The parents decided to have a bit of fun waiting for the results. To test their parenting abilities, they’d made a game of the situation and tried guessing which son is which. Finally, they had their results. But did they guess the babies’ identities correctly? Yes, they did. “At last, we’re not such bad parents,” Rodriguez tweeted in celebration. The police also gave her identifying certificates of her sons’ identities. Now, all she has to do is not get them confused again.

Double trouble

Just found out I’ve got a twin brother..
I’m beside myself.

A husband was excitedly calling the relatives to give them the good news of their newborn babies. He called his mother-in -law and told her, “We have twins” She was a little hard of hearing and asked, “Could you repeat that.”  He answered, “I doubt it, I was surprised it happened the first time.”

What do you call twins before they’re born?

Darth Vader has a twin brother who works for IRS.
He’s called TAX EVADER. 

April 12th Birthdays

1980 – Jennifer Morrison, 1974 – Christina Moore, 1980 – Claire Danes, 1981 – Tulsi Gabbard

1947 – David Letterman  1948 – James Taylor,  1946 – Ed O’Neill, 1956 – Andy Garcia

Morning Motivator:

If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.

JoseA and JoseB